Tuesday, 8 April 2014

In the Studio as a group

A group of us booked out the studio and played with light gels, exposure and the soft box. We set up the the huge soft box and used the flash to create exposures. This sort of 'ghost' like image where the model is captured moving around in the image is really effective as a photograph but i don't think its a technique i would follow through for my assignment.

We put a green colour gel over the soft box to see what kind of colour it would give to the image and how strong it would be. We played around with the harshness of the flash and was able to capture some  images with a strong green filter to them. We then brought in a another light source and placed a another light gel coming from the other side of the image. This created a'half half' image with two different colours in the image.

i wanted to see if we could colour the image but keep the models face a natural tone so i brought the model forward and took the soft box back a little bit so less of the flash was hitting my model. This created a colored image/background with my model with less of a coloured image. I think this effect looks a lot stronger and brings out the face from the background making the model more 'present' in the image.

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