Wednesday 9 April 2014

First shoot with model

 For these shots, being my first time with my model, i wanted to do some clean portraits with a very simple idea. I used the huge soft box in the studio and synced the flash with my camera. I wanted a very soft flash that wouldn't over highlight any specific parts of my model. I put the light in from the left of the studio to create light tones on the side of the my models face. I put my model on a seat as if she was being interviewed to high light the idea the idea that she is being interviewed in the style of a personal profile. I wanted a very serene and peaceful environment so i used a white back drop with soft lighting on my models face. I took very natural shots of my model mid laugh and during conversation as i want a 'personal' mood to the photographs.
Through my photographs i want them to reflect my personality and my things i enjoy doing. For example i want to show my passion for photography so i brought in a camera for my model to use. I want my photographs to be more relaxed and less posed so my next shoot i am going to bring in personal items that reflect my self and i model will be able to interact more.

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