Tuesday, 1 April 2014

In the Studio.

I booked the studio for the first time last week and spend 2 hours in there practicing setting up the lighting, the tripod and playing with the exposure and shutter on my camera to see what happens with the light.

I set up a light box and white back drop to get some soft portraits which is what i want to do for my assignment. I put the light box on the left so the light was coming through onto the side of my models face. This created a shadow on the backdrop and also created a shadow on the opposite side of my models face. I wanted to create more of a even light on the face so brought the white board up to the right hand side of my model which made the right side of the face get more light. I used the flash on the  light box and set it up with my camera to get a flash when i took a photo. With the white board on the right of my model, when the flash went off it hit the board and bounced back onto the side of my models face which gave a more even light to the portrait. 

Long Exposure with Flash
I tried to experiment with long exposures and in class the other day we used the flash to capture still images that are moved during the long exposure. I set a 30 second exposure and used the soft box as the flash source. I could have set up another light source on the opposite so i had even light through the image. The first 2 images i didn't manually push the flash at a very even time so the model isn't as even opacity. As i got aware of how long the 30 seconds is i evenly pushed the flash with in the 30 seconds which gave a more even opacity of each image.

Painting with light
In class last week David did a little bit of painting with light which looked really interesting so i wanted to give it a try. I set my camera up for 20 second exposure and turned all the lights off. I used my phone torch to light up small areas of my models face. The idea worked but the  light source (the small lines around the face) were visible which isn't what i wanted. I wanted to light up the face with out the light lines around the image. I think i needed a torch so i could stand out of the image and shine it onto the face so maybe you wouldn't the light 'lines'

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