Tuesday 27 May 2014

Location Work

After not being 100% happy with the photos i took in my work space at home i want to photograph up at the Massey Museum where i work everyday. I went up to Uni last night to look around at the lighting and where best places are for me to photograph. Things i needed to consider is the roof of the museum is very high so i will not be able to bounce any light off the roof. The lights in the museum are very white compared other areas so i went to scope out where i would best be able to find white light to keep my photographs clean and 'kinfolk' style.

I was working in the fashion building late one night in the room i always work in and the room was all white walls with white lights and the roof was not as high as the other bigger pattern making rooms. Especially the brown wood floor against the white walls will complement each other really well in the photographs. I think this location would be perfect to shoot my model.

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