Tuesday 27 May 2014

Photoshoot in the Museum Fashion Block: Preperation

                                         under exposed, too dark. speed light point to roof
                                         over exposed, flash front on
Right amount of light.Flash angled 45 degrees to the roof.

I decided to use a speed light with the light thats already in the museum to get the style of light i want. I want these photographs to be cohesive with the photographs i took in the studio and the object shoot in my room which means i want the light to be as white as possible. I played around with the speed-light pointing it towards the roof so i would get light reflection from the white roof. I also changed the amount of flash on the manual settings of the speed light to have a slightly over exposed photograph. i purposely set my camera up to slightly over expose the photograph because this is the type of light i want, which gives off a 'clean','peaceful' environment.

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